Civil Disputes

Dependable, professional and friendly civil dispute solicitors

At My Law Matters we provide Civil Dispute Resolution and offer litigation advice to both businesses and individual clients. In doing so, we are able to tailor our approach and the advice and assistance that we offer, to your individual needs.  The types of civil disputes we often help with are:

  • Wills, trust or probate disputes.
  • Land, boundary or property disputes.
  • Landlord, tenant or housing disputes.

Whatever the grounds for a dispute, our civil litigation solicitors understand it can be
daunting and stressful for all involved. We will ensure you are fully informed of the options
available and will support you through every step of the dispute resolution and litigation

Need professionals to represent you in a civil dispute? You’re in the right place. Click here to enquire or call us on 0330 124 2171. Our Head Office is in the centre of Wolverhampton and we have satellite offices across the UK where our friendly solicitors will be happy to help.

Our commercial practice areas include:

We understand the importance contracts play, within any business situation. Contractual issues and disputes are sometimes unavoidable. We can manage commercial contract disputes swiftly and effectively, saving costs and preventing as much damage and disruption to your business and your businesses reputation.
A contract is a legally binding document between two parties, if one party fails to meet its obligations under the terms of an agreement, it results in a breach of contractual duty and a claim for compensation may arise from this.
Getting dragged into and involved in contract disputes can have a significant impact on your business: holding up work, impacting relationships and costing a lot of time and money to put right. We have a wide range of experience in this field and will be able to give you guidance on where you stand relating to beaches like: employment breaches, construction breaches and landlord breaches of contract.
It is vital to prevent, manage and resolve any partnership dispute as effectively and efficiently as possible.
As well as posing a risk to the business itself, the dispute can also threaten the careers and reputations of the partners and members involved. We have a deep understanding of the legal, commercial, and regulatory context partnerships operate in and experience in dealing with partnership disputes.
If you are involved in a partnership dispute or have been threatened with legal action, you will need advice from expert lawyers. Our specialist partnership dispute solicitors are here to guide you through the entire process on your claim or in your defence.
Director and Shareholder issues can arise for many reasons, taking early advise Is key.
- A dispute might arise about the performance issues of a director or shareholder. You must first make sure you have sufficient performance trackers in place to use as a grounds for a dismissal of a director or you could incur liability for unfair dismissal
- Deadlock issues, which can arise where directors or shareholders are wanting to move the business in question in different directions but have equal control of the business or a vote ends in a tie and neither set of parties are wanting to move in the opposite direction.
- Breach of contracts and responsibilities,
- Conflicts of interests, for example if someone has interests in another business so is acting in a way that will benefit another business at the expense of their current business, other shareholders/directors and the businesses clients.
My law matters has experienced solicitors who can help you understand what is important to the other party and why a dispute has arisen, we can guide you through negotiation to find a solution that works for you.
Injunctive relief, also known as an ‘injunction’, is a legal remedy that can be sought from the courts to require a party to stop doing something, it can also be sought to require them to do something.
When delivered correctly, an Injunction is a powerful legal tool and can arise in many different areas: property, employment law, healthcare and commercial disputes.
Injunction work requires fast and accurate case delivery. Our team are very well placed to manage this high-pressured process and have extensive knowledge in the field both defending and seeking an injunction.
The last thing you expect is for a professional you have hired is for them to be negligent. From time to time, unfortunately, some professionals make mistakes and wrongly advise their clients. We specialise in resolving these mistakes as swiftly as possible.
Judicial Review is a type of court application, whereby someone challenges the lawfulness of a quasi-government decision. This can be the decision of a central government department, a government body regulator and public or local authority.
The main grounds for Judicial review are: illegality, procedural unfairness and irrationality.
Illegality – If the decision maker did not have the correct legal power to make the decision or thought they had more power than they thought. Procedural unfairness – If a decision was made, but the process leading up to the decision was improper and the information given to the decision maker was not correct or the decision maker had a bias to one party or if the authority failed to comply with their own procedure.
Irrationality – If a decision is deemed so unreasonable, that a reasonable person, who is acting reasonably, would not have made it.
If you believe you have been effected by one of the above, please call us today.
When there is a dispute over a property, commercial or residential, you are in safe hands with My Law Matters, our aim is to resolve all disputes and alleviate as much risk and worry as possible. In addition to our property team we can deal with all types of Landlord and Tennant Disputes.
If you rent out your property or are a tenant who is renting, you may need to speak to a specialist regarding your rights and obligations.
Our experienced property dispute lawyers are on hand to provide you with sensible and practical advice that is based on the issues in the dispute. Some of the areas we can offer advice on are:
Service charge disputes.
Rent payment disputes.
Residential Possession.
Lease renewals.
Termination of a tenancy agreement.
Landlord or tenant not fulfilling contractual obligations.
Disputes over the management of a property.
Most businesses, at some point, regardless of the industry then are in, will likely need to recover an unpaid dept. It is critical the collection of outstanding debts is managed efficiently, and you may need the services of a specialist debt recovery solicitor. My Law Matters have an experienced team in place to handle your enquiry.
With your instructions, we will be able to swiftly produce a Letter Before Action and send it to the debtor, we can then also action legal proceedings through the county court to try and recover the dept, and if this is not successful, the final stage is Enforcement, if it gets to that stage, we will advise on the most appropriate method of enforcement based on our experience and expertise with similar cases.
We will work with you every step of the way and create a plan to ensure your depts gets paid and provide valuable legal advice on where you stand in respect of any dept that you might be in.
Our civil practise areas include:
When there is a dispute over a property, commercial or residential, you are in safe hands with My Law Matters, our aim is to resolve all disputes and alleviate as much risk and worry as possible. In addition to our property team we can deal with all types of Landlord and Tennant Disputes. If you rent out your property or are a tenant who is renting, you may need to speak to a specialist regarding your rights and obligations. Our experienced property dispute lawyers are on hand to provide you with sensible and practical advice that is based on the issues in the dispute. Some of the areas we can offer advice on are: - Service charge disputes. - Rent payment disputes. - Residential Possession. - Lease renewals. - Termination of a tenancy agreement. - Landlord or tenant not fulfilling contractual obligations. - Disputes over the management of a property.
Is your mortgage lender threatening repossession proceedings? If you have fallen behind with the repayments on your mortgage or secured loan, your lender could begin court proceedings against you in order to repossess your property.
My Law Matters have experienced solicitors who understand falling into arrears can be caused by many difficulties, some more common reasons are: A significant change in your financial circumstances, Injury / Illness or a breakdown of a relationship.
Repossession claims can be stressful, however getting advice as early as possible can give you the best opportunity to resolve the matter with your mortgage company. In order to help resolve the claims, you and your lender should discuss the following topics.
- Reason for your arrears.
- Your financial circumstances.
- If the situation is short or long term.
- What you can do to repay the arrears.
We can help you create a plan to propose to your lender that will include the reasonable options you suggest in order to keep your home, keep up with future repayments as well as clearing any arrears.
Discuss your proposal with us today.
When you’re out and about, whether in the park, the street, or another public place, you should be able to go about your day without the fear. We have a dedicated team of lawyers who specialise in claims against public authorities. We represent clients in civil claims for damages against public authorities including police forces, the prison service, the immigration authorities and local authorities. We act for clients in a wide range of actions, including breaches of human rights, assault and battery, unlawful arrest, false imprisonment, malicious prosecution, misfeasance in public office, discrimination, negligence and the unlawful retention of data & personal information.
Our Litigation solicitors can provide advice on all aspects of Consumer Law. As a consumer you are protected by various Acts of Parliament, which are aimed at consumer problems. Such items include buying faulty goods, fraud, mis-selling of a product and buying services which are unsatisfactory. Have you been sold a faulty product or employed a tradesman who has failed to complete the work commissioned to a satisfactory standard? If so, our specialist litigation team can advise you on your options of either getting a refund or suing for compensation. Sale of Goods Act – Any item purchased from a retailer should be of satisfactory condition. Supply of Goods and Services Act – Similar to above, but mainly covers the services you receive from tradesmen and covers the materials they use. Reference is made to the Sale of Goods Act and the Supply of Goods and Services Act – both of these Acts have now been replaced with the Consumer Rights Act
Contested probate refers to a dispute about how a person’s estate will be administered after they have died. If you have lost a loved one, times can be very hard, having problems with how their estate is being handled or managed by another family member is a dispute we can help with. Some disputes could be: - Disagreements between beneficiaries. - Handling proceedings with an executor who has mismanaged the estate. - Interpretation of a will and the value of assets involved. We can also advise on Trust Disputes that might arise in relation to Wills, Trusts and Estates. Whether you are contesting a Will or defending a claim, our team will ensure you are respected and given advise in the correct manner. Every case is different, and we will always start with an initial conversation, no obligation. Call today and speak to one of our friendly team.
If you are thinking of contesting a Will, we have the team in place to advise you. We can also help you if there has been no Will and you want to challenge how the estate left behind has been divided up. Estates can be very complicated, especially ones involving multiple properties and assets overseas as just a few of the many complex challenges. We provide practical advice and recommendations and, unlike other firms, we can deliver a complete service with support from our Property and Private Client teams. You can contest the Validity of a Will on the following: - Testamentary Capacity – The test to establish whether somebody has the capacity required to understand the nature and effect of making a Will. - Undue Influence – If the person making the Will (testator) was put influenced into leaving gifts to certain people” needs to be amended to: Undue Influence – If the person making the Will (testator) was influenced into leaving gifts to certain people. - Want of knowledge and approval – Did the person know, understand and approve of the contents of the Will at the time they signed it? Examples: if testator is blind, cannot read or write to a sufficient standard or the Will was prepared in a language other than their first language. - Lack of due execution – The first thing to consider when reviewing the validity of a Will is whether it was signed and witnessed correctly. - Forgery – Do you believe that the signature of the person who made the Will and/or a witnesses is not genuine. If so, it cannot be a valid Will. - Fraudulent Calumny – If somebody makes false comments about another person that leads to the testator writing that person out of their Will, that Will could be invalid. If you believe any of the above reasons apply to your current situation, please call us today 0800 288 9947.
If you feel that you have been unfairly left out of a Will or are in a Will but have not been properly provided for, you might be able to claim. It is common that a situation can arise where somebody feels that they have not been left the correct or a sufficient amount under a Will, or have been left out completely when they feel they should have been included. Under English Law a person can leave their estate however they wish, however the Inheritance Act 1975, allows you to apply for financial provision from a deceased persons estate, to be eligible to claim you must fall under one of these categories: - The spouse or civil partner of the deceased - A former spouse or civil partner who has not remarried - An unmarried partner of the deceased who lived with them as husband or wife for a period of two years before the date of death - A child of the deceased, including illegitimate or legally adopted children - A person who was treated by the deceased as a child of the family - A person who was financially maintained by the deceased. If you fall into one of these categories and consider that unreasonable financial provision has been made for you, you could have a claim.

We have a wealth of experience in representing people both locally and further afield when everyday disagreements escalate into formal civil disputes. If you are a resident, business, or part of a group seeking advice in relation to issues with other individuals or organisations we would love to help resolve your problem.

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Outstanding law firm

My Law Matters is an outstanding law firm that I highly recommend. From the moment I contacted them, I was impressed by their professionalism and dedication to their clients. The entire team at My Law Matters is knowledgeable, approachable, and responsive, making the legal process much less daunting. Overall, My Law Matters exceeded my expectations in every way. They are a trustworthy and reliable law firm that truly cares about their clients’ well-being. If you are in need of legal services, I highly recommend reaching out to My Law Matters. They will provide you with exceptional guidance and support throughout your legal journey.